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English Labrador Retrievers

The Labrador Retriever originated in Newfoundland, Canada, in the 18th century. The breed was initially known as the St. John's Water Dog, named after the capital city of Newfoundland. These dogs were bred by fishermen to assist in retrieving nets, fish, and other items from the cold waters of the North Atlantic.

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History of the English Labrador 

In the early 19th century, the Earl of Malmesbury and the Duke of Buccleuch began importing these dogs to England. They were impressed by the breed's retrieving abilities and trainability. Over time, these dogs became popular with British nobility for their hunting prowess and friendly temperament. Selective breeding in England led to the development of two distinct lines within the Labrador Retriever breed: the English (or British) Labrador and the American Labrador. While both lines share the same ancestry, there are some differences in appearance and temperament between them.

Top Quality English Labrador Retrievers | Three Bears Labradors
Top Quality English Labrador Retrievers | Three Bears Labradors

The English Labrador is often described as having a stockier build, blockier head, and thicker coat compared to the American Labrador. They are typically bred for conformation shows and are known for their calm demeanor, making them well-suited as family pets and companions.

In contrast, the American Labrador is bred primarily for field trials and hunting. These dogs tend to be more energetic and have a leaner build, with a narrower head and a shorter coat. They are highly prized for their retrieving abilities and are commonly used as working dogs.

Despite these differences, both the English and American lines of Labrador Retrievers share the same friendly, intelligent, and trainable nature that has made them one of the most popular dog breeds worldwide. Today, Labrador Retrievers, including the English variety, continue to be cherished as beloved family pets, service dogs, therapy dogs, and working dogs around the globe.

What Makes them a Great Dog to Own.

The English Labrador, also known as the English or British Labrador Retriever, is beloved by many for several reasons:

Temperament: English Labradors are known for their gentle and calm demeanor. They typically have a friendly and sociable personality, making them great family pets and excellent companions for children.

Trainability: Labrador Retrievers, including the English variety, are highly trainable dogs. They are intelligent and eager to please, which makes them relatively easy to train for obedience, agility, and various activities like retrieving and hunting.

Versatility: English Labradors excel in various roles, including as family pets, service dogs, therapy dogs, and working dogs. They are often used in search and rescue operations, as guide dogs for the visually impaired, and in various other assistance roles due to their intelligence, trainability, and friendly nature.

Appearance: English Labradors are known for their stocky build, blocky heads, and otter-like tails. Many people find their appearance appealing, and they conform to the breed standard recognized by kennel clubs.

Health: While no dog breed is entirely free from health issues, English Labradors are generally considered to be healthy dogs with a relatively long lifespan compared to some other breeds. Responsible breeding practices aim to minimize genetic health problems.

Companionship: English Labradors are loyal and affectionate companions. They form strong bonds with their owners and thrive on human interaction, making them excellent pets for those seeking a devoted four-legged friend.

Popularity: Labrador Retrievers, including the English variety, consistently rank among the most popular dog breeds worldwide. Their widespread popularity means that many people are exposed to them from a young age, leading to a strong affection for the breed.

Overall, the English Labrador's combination of temperament, trainability, versatility, appearance, health, and companionship qualities contributes to their widespread popularity and the love many people have for them.

Overall, the English Labrador's combination of temperament, trainability, versatility, health, companionship, and adaptability qualities contributes to their reputation as a good breed and the love many people have for them. However, it's essential to remember that individual temperament and behavior can vary based on factors like genetics, upbringing, and training. Potential owners should research the breed thoroughly, meet individual dogs, and ensure they can provide the necessary care, training, and attention before bringing an English Labrador into their home.

Companionship: English Labradors are loyal and affectionate companions. They form strong bonds with their owners and thrive on human interaction, making them excellent pets for those seeking a devoted four-legged friend.

Adaptability: English Labradors can adapt well to various living situations, whether it's a suburban home, a rural farm, or an urban apartment. They enjoy being part of the family and are content to accompany their owners on outdoor adventures or relax indoors.

Top Quality English Labrador Retrievers | Three Bears Labradors

Meet Labrador Breeders 
Charles and Connie Lockwood

We are located in East Tennessee in the Cherokee Mountains of Madisonville, Tn. We breed Quality English Black Labradors, Yellow Labradors and Chocolate Labradors. We always strive to have the best breed of English Labrador Retrievers dogs you can find. Our dogs come from some of the best bred dogs in the country.

Top Quality English Labrador Retrievers | Three Bears Labradors
Top Quality English Labrador Retrievers | Three Bears Labradors
Top Quality English Labrador Retrievers | Three Bears Labradors
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